Downloads and Applications

Detailed information and application forms for travel grants, DZD awards and DZD funding such as the DZD Young Talent Programme are made available to all DZD NEXT members on the DZD NEXT Wiki. A one-time setup of a DZD account with an institute e-mail address is required for use.
New to the DZD?
Our DZD NEXT flyer informs about target groups and offers of the early career researcher development program at the DZD.
Link to the application form for DZD NEXT
Link to the application form for the DZD NEXT Alumni Netzwerk
More information
Herrmann, Leonie; Fröhlich, Brigitte: Das DZD NEXT-Programm in der Diabetesforschung: Große Chancen für junge Talente Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2024; 19(03): 181 - 182; DOI: 10.1055/a-2317-0193