DZD NEXT - The Next Generation in Diabetes Research

DZD NEXT is the strategic early career researcher development programme within the German Centre for Diabetes Research (DZD). The aim is to bring early career researchers together in a lively, nationwide community. DZD NEXT activities enable further training in translational diabetes research and increase the visibility of early career researchers by supporting individual career paths.

What makes DZD NEXT special?

DZD NEXT is more than a network - it is a community. We connect early career researchers from different career stages and disciplines at all DZD partner sites in Germany. At DZD NEXT, continuing education does not follow a fixed curriculum. Our events serve the DZD NEXT community as platforms for interaction and a starting point for organising their own initiatives.

We offer:

  • Interdisciplinary networking: making valuable contacts across disciplinary boundaries.
  • Expansion of knowledge: Deepen knowledge and skills in translational diabetes research.
  • Increasing visibility: Making aspiring scientists known in the research community and promoting career paths.

Who can participate?

DZD NEXT offers continuous support through all stages of early career development: early career researchers from all DZD partner sites, including Master, PhD and MD students as well as postdocs, young clinical scientists and junior research group leaders under the age of 40, can join DZD NEXT free of charge. Members receive regular updates via the DZD NEXT newsletter and social media. Pre-registration for the DZD NEXT alumni network is available.

Participation in events and applications for awards and scholarships is exclusive to DZD NEXT members. An exception is the DZD International Diabetes Research School, which is open to all and offers an excellent opportunity for international networking, for example to discover the perfect position for the next career step.

Become a DZD NEXT member


Most of the time we don't take enough advantage of the fact that we can learn fantastic things from each other. Whether you're looking for a protocol, advice on academic writing or just a good friend! In the DZD Next community, you can connect with like-minded people, take part in great workshops and advance your career. We look forward to helping you!

The DZD NEXT Board, consisting of one representative from each of the five partner institutes and one associated partner, as well as the DZD head office, provides scientific support for the programme: Dr. Oana-Patricia Zaharia (Düsseldorf), Dr. Siegried Ussar (Munich), Dr. Meriem Ouni (Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Nikolay Ninov (Dresden), Dr. Julia Sbierski-Kind (Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Henriette Kirchner (Lübeck) as well as Dr. Astrid Glaser, Dr. Brigitte Fröhlich und Dr. Leonie Herrmann (all DZD head office).