Facts and Figures

The DZD in Numbers

The DZD was established in 2009 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Besides the DZD, there are seven other German Centers for Health Research.

people work at the DZD
publications per year
Budget of 36.2 million euros (2023)
locations in Germany
main research topics
people have participated in studies by the DZD
participants are taking advantage of the DZD NEXT Young Talent Program

Diabetes in Numbers

In 2023, the number of people with confirmed type 2 diabetes in Germany was around 8.9 million. In addition, the estimated number of unreported cases is at least 2 million. Worldwide, over 537 million people have diabetes.

  • Every year, some 450,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.
  • Around one in five deaths in Germany (16 percent) is associated with type 2 diabetes.
  • More than 37,000 children and adolescents as well as 340,000 adults have type 1 diabetes.
  • Every year, more than 50,000 women develop gestational diabetes, which corresponds to 6.8% of all pregnant women.

(Sources: DZD, Health Report Diabetes 2024, IDF)