Diabetes Risk Test
By means of the test, adults can easily, quickly and very precisely determine their personal risk of developing type 2 diabetes within the next ten years.

At the end of the online test you are given individually customized recommendations on how to reduce your risk. You can try out directly how much you can influence your risk, for example by lowering the value you entered for your waist circumference, or by increasing your value for whole-grain bread consumption. Another new feature is that you can compare your test result on a graph with an average person of the same age and sex. This helps you to better assess your personal result in the appropriate context.
Why it’s important to know your personal diabetes risk
Type 2 diabetes develops slowly over years so that it is often detected too late – namely not until there is already end organ damage. Whoever takes the test and detects an elevated or even a high risk can undertake measures to counteract the outbreak of the disease and even undergo diabetic drug treatment if necessary. The disease and the resulting damage can be prevented or at least significantly delayed by early and targeted preventive or therapeutic measures.
Background information:
The DIfE – GERMAN DIABETES RISK SCORE is available both as online test and in two different questionnaire versions for private individuals or patients. The test was validated using data of the Heidelberg EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) Study, the Tübingen Family Study for Type 2 Diabetes, the study “Metabolic Syndrome Berlin Potsdam” and the MONICA/KORA study (MONItoring trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease/Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg). All test versions enable a very precise determination of the individual diabetes risk of a person for the next ten years. The test was developed by the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE) using public funds (Federal Government, State of Brandenburg, European Union). The further development of the test is taking place within the framework of DZD research.
Alongside the risk of type 2 diabetes, you can also test your risk of cardiovascular disease. This is possible with a separate test or in combination.
To the risk scores online
Risk Score

Online test (switch to English in the menu)
Questionnaire (self test)
Questionnaire (physician)
Primary care physicians, hospitals and health care consultants are eligible to copies of the print version of the Risk Score.
Further Information
The prevention of diabetes is subject of one section of the national diabetes information portal diabinfo.de. The portal is independent, easy to understand and scientifically proven. It is published by the DZD together with Helmholtz Munich and the German Diabetes Center.