At the DiabetesMARKT the visitors can receive tips on prevention and on innovative therapy approaches. In addition, the exhibitors will provide information on a healthy diet, exercise and stress management. At the stand of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and the Diabetes Information Service of Helmholtz Zentrum München, interested visitors can even have their diabetes risk tested.
Highlights at the market stand
Starting at noon, diabetes experts will report about the various forms of the disease and their treatment options. From 12 noon to 2:00 pm, Dr. Melanie Heinrich of Helmholtz Zentrum München will speak about type 1 diabetes. This disease often becomes manifest in childhood. Here, the body can no longer produce insulin, and people with type 1 diabetes must inject insulin several times a day. From 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Professor Norbert Stefan, DZD scientist at the University of Tübingen, will inform about the prevention and therapy of type 2 diabetes. This disease was formerly known as adult-onset diabetes because it often occurs only in older people. In this disease the pancreas can still produce insulin, but it does not have a proper effect in the body. Type 2 is by far the most common diabetes type, affecting up to 95 percent of the more than six million diabetes patients in Germany. The cause can be overweight/obesity, lack of exercise and a poor diet. Genetic factors also play a role. From 4:00 to 6:00 pm Dr. Katharina Warncke of the Children’s Hospital Schwabing and Helmholtz Zentrum München will report about how type 1 diabetes can be treated in children.
Diabetes often goes undetected
The aim of the DiabetesMARKT is to better inform the public about the metabolic disease in light of the ever increasing incidence of diabetes in Germany. Often, however, the disease goes undetected – the estimates vary between 1.8 and three million undiagnosed cases in Germany. The DiabetesMARKT is organized by the German Diabetes Foundation (DDS) together with the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and the Diabetes Information Service of Helmholtz Zentrum München. The Bavarian Health Minister Melanie Huml has assumed the patronage for the DiabetesMARKT.