
Helmholtz-Interview: "Toward an Active Ingredient for Obesity"

Diabetes expert and Helmholtz Munich CEO Prof. Matthias Tschöp and his team at the DZD partner Helmholtz Munich are researching gastrointestinal hormones and their effects on the brain. With the help of these findings, obesity should become treatable with drugs - and soon. In the Helmholtz Association Newsroom interview, Prof. Tschöp reports on the current state of research.

Prof. Matthias Tschöp. © Helmholtz Munich / Matthias Tunger

The "hunger hormone" ghrelin and its effect in the brain is also the subject of the interview, as is the explanation of why ghrelin alone is not suitable for drug treatment. For this purpose, the researchers are working with combinations of intestinal hormones, some of which can be synthesized in hormone-like molecules.

Combinations of hormone signals in a single molecule, so-called polyagonists, are currently being tested in phase II and III clinical trials and could be approved as active substances this year.

Detailed information in the interview in the Helmholtz Newsroom.