
New Position Paper on the Early Detection of Type 1 Diabetes

A new position paper published by experts from the Fr1daPlex initiative, the Bavarian Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) and PaedNetz Bayern e.V. underlines the importance of islet autoantibody screening for the early detection of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents in Germany.

© Andreas Pfohl

The authors, including DZD experts Prof. Dr. Peter Achenbach and Prof. Dr. Anette-Gabriele Ziegler from Helmholtz Munich, discuss the benefits of this screening for the general population as well as possible risks.

Achenbach, P. et al.: Früherkennung von Typ-1-Diabetes durch Inselautoantikörper-Screening – ein Positionspapier der Fr1daPlex-Projektleiter und -Schulungszentren, des BVKJ Bayern und PaedNetz Bayern e.V.. Das Gesundheitswesen  (efirst). DOI: 10.1055/a-2320-2859