
New Project to Improve the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is expected to be the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in Europe by 2040. In order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this type of cancer, a new international research project led by Michele Solimena from the DZD partner Paul Langerhans Institute in Dresden is now starting. The research project is funded by the Partnership for Personalized Medicine EP Permed.
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Despite advances in cancer research, survival rates for pancreatic cancer have barely improved over the past 50 years. On average, patients live only 8-10 months after diagnosis. One reason for this is that there are no effective tests and treatments that target the different types of pancreatic cancer. The aim of the new research project is to discover differences in order to lay the foundations for more precise treatment.


© Frank Möller/PLID, erstellt mit


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