Hamburg, 02.10.2023
EASD Annual Meeting 2023: Several awards for DZD researchers
The annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) will be held in Hamburg this year. A scientific program with more than 1,200 lectures and presentations on the latest findings in diabetes research awaits participants in the Hanseatic city from October 2 to 6, 2023. DZD researchers can look forward to several EASD awards at the meeting.
The EASD Annual Meeting 2023 will be held as a hybrid event, with participation possible on-site in Hamburg or virtually from a home computer. Participants present in Hamburg are cordially invited to stop by the joint exhibition booth of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and the Danish Diabetes and Endrocrine Academy (DDEA). There, interested parties will find information about the DZD and its offers for young scientists. Traditionally, the booth is also a popular meeting place for networking.
Numerous DZD researchers will present current results of their research at the EASD annual meeting in Hamburg. The outstanding quality of research at the DZD is reflected in the awards presented by the European professional society. Three DZD researchers will be honored this year.
Camillo Golgi Prize for Stephan Herzig
The prize, named after Nobel Prize winner Camillo Golgi, is awarded to honor outstanding contributions in the field of pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of diabetic complications such as non-alcoholic fatty liver, liver fibrosis and cancer. This year, Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig will be honored with the award. The molecular pharmacologist is scientific director of the Helmholtz Diabetes Center and research director of Helmholtz Munich. There he also heads the Institute for Diabetes and Cancer and coordinates the Research Academy on Diabetic Complications at the DZD.
Stephan Herzig's research contributed to a paradigm shift in the view of diabetic complications: They do not arise in isolation in a single organ, as was long assumed; rather, communication between peripheral metabolic organs plays a role. Key elements of his work have already reached clinical practice. For example, clinical trials are investigating whether fasting programs can serve to control metabolic dysfunction in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease.
Prize lecture: Tuesday, October 3, 5:15 - 6:15 p.m., Hamburg Hall
Timo Müller receives Minkowski Prize
The EASD awards the Minkowski Prize to researchers whose publications have dramatically increased knowledge about diabetes. This year it is awarded to PD Dr. Timo Müller, Director of the Institute for Diabetes and Obesity at Helmholtz Munich.
The glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) or its receptor in the brain are key targets for reducing body weight and improving glucose control, for example in the form of so-called GIP/GLP-1 co-agonists. Timo Müller was able to show for the first time that GIP reduces body weight and food intake via this receptor in the brain. Müller's studies help to target the GIP system for the development of new obesity drugs, but also contribute to a better understanding of the mechanism of action of this new class of pharmacological therapies.
Award lecture: Thursday, Oct. 5, 5:35 - 6:15 p.m., Hamburg Hall.
Theresia Sarabhai is EASD Rising Star 2023
Each year, EASD selects four young scientist:s to present an overview of their research at a multidisciplinary research symposium. In addition, the young researchers receive a Research Fellowship to promote innovative research in Europe.
This year, Dr. Theresia Sarabhai from the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) is one of the honorees who will have the opportunity to present her research at the EASD Rising Star Symposium. She will also receive the EFSD Rising Star Fellowship. Sarabhai has been selected for the symposium and fellowship program for her research project, "Identification of the early pathogenesis of overeating-mediated insulin resistance in adipose tissue of healthy individuals." The goal of her study is to better understand the development of tissue-specific insulin resistance to help prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes in the future.
To the congress website
The German Center for Diabetes Research is one of the six German Centers for Health Research. It brings together experts in the field of diabetes research and combines basic research, epidemiology and clinical application. The aim of the DZD is to make a significant contribution to the successful, tailored prevention, diagnosis and therapy of diabetes mellitus through a novel, integrative research approach. Members of the network are Helmholtz Munich - German Research Center for Environmental Health, the German Diabetes Center DDZ in Düsseldorf, the German Institute of Human Nutrition DIfE in Potsdam-Rehbrücke, the Institute of Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases of Helmholtz Munich at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and the Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden of Helmholtz Munich at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital of the TU Dresden, associated partners at the universities in Heidelberg, Cologne, Leipzig, Lübeck and Munich as well as other project partners.