Added Value for Society
The DZD attaches great importance to informing the public about its scientific achievements, research activities and translational work as well as demonstrating the special benefits and added value that the DZD offers society.

For this purpose, we have successfully established a wide variety of communication channels: Through websites, newsletters, social media, press information and scientific articles, the DZD provides information about the widespread disease diabetes, the causes of metabolic disorders, current research results as well as the development of innovative preventive and therapeutic approaches. To share the latest research results with experts and the population, we also engage in direct exchange on site, such as at congresses and symposia as well as health and patient days.
The Public and People with Diabetes

The DZD has successfully established the national diabetes information portal as a reliable source of information on the topic of diabetes for risk groups, people with diabetes, professionals and interested people. In five languages, the online portal offers comprehensive, evidence-based information on all forms of diabetes, their prevention, therapy and complications as well as other non-communicable diseases that are associated with diabetes. More than 2.6 million people used the portal in 2023.
Science, Specialist Associations and the Medical Profession
DZD researchers are sought-after speakers at national and international congresses—including the congresses of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), the German Diabetology Association (DDG) or the Helmholtz Diabetes Conference.
DZD researchers play an active role on the executive board and/or as members of specialist medical and scientific associations and, as congress chairs or members of the program committee, organize scientific congresses and define the thematic focuses of conferences. Numerous DZD researchers successfully run their own accounts on social media, such as X and LinkedIn.
Molecular Metabolism

Together with Helmholtz Munich, the DZD is a partner in the publication of the journal Molecular Metabolism (ISSN: 2212-8778), which is published by Elsevier GmbH. Molecular Metabolism is an open access journal. It serves as a platform reporting breakthrough discoveries in energy homeostasis as well as the development and associated health consequences of metabolic disorders, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. The journal publishes hypothesis driven research generated with the highest standards that paves the way to a mechanistic understanding of energy homeostasis-associated behavior, physiology and dysfunction.
Molecular Metabolism reports interdisciplinary science using approaches ranging from molecules to man. The magazine is published six times a year. It is indexed in PubMed Central and has a Creative Commons license. In 2023, it had an impact factor of 7.0.
The DZD has successfully established media cooperations with various journals and publishers. For several years, the DZD has exerted an influence on regular columns and thematic focuses in medical and scientific journals, such as Info Diabetologie, diabeteszeitung, Diabetes und Stoffwechsel, Diabetes Aktuell, Der Privatarzt, Die Diabetologie.
The communication department of the DZD serves as an established point of contact for the media regarding the topics of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity, prediabetes and diabetes prevention. In addition, the DZD regularly briefs the media through press information and newsletters. DZD researchers make regular appearances on TV, radio, podcasts and national media. The DZD appears in the media around four times a day (print, online, radio, TV).
Politics and Ministries
DZD researchers participate in various expert committees. For example, they contributed their expert knowledge to workshops on the EU regulation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS). The DZD provides its expertise in statements in order to further the discourse, such as on new draft legislation. DZD researchers contribute their specialist knowledge and competence to parliamentary evenings and round tables. DZD researchers participate in events organized by ministries or attend as exhibitors.