
DZD Scientist Peter Achenbach on ARD alpha on Type 1 Diabetes

Prof. Peter Achenbach from DZD partner Helmholtz Munich was a guest in the studio of the television series "ARD alpha nachgehakt" ("ARD alpha followed up"). The expert for type 1 diabetes provided information on the causes and treatment options for the disease, which usually breaks out during childhood and adolescence.

Screenshot 'ARD alpha nachgehakt', Oct. 5, 2023. © ARD alpha

The number of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes is increasing by around 4 percent per year. One possible cause could be environmental factors and viruses, explains Achenbach on the state of current research. Early detection could reduce the risks associated with the onset of the disease. The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and future treatment options for type 1 are also addressed.

The report "Childhood diabetes" starts at minute 15:40 of the program and runs around 13 minutes. The video is available until 04.10.2028.

Link to the broadcast