German-French Diabetes Academy
2nd German-French Conference on Diabetes Research

On April 19-20, 2018 the second German-French Conference on Diabetes Research took place at the French Embassy in Berlin. It continued the successful German-French Diabetes Academy, established by the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and INSERM/AVIESAN.
The second German-French Conference on Diabetes Research brought together top German and French leaders in the field of diabetes to facilitate and tighten the bi-national cooperation in academic diabetes research and to open new avenues for preventing and treating diabetes.
In addition to the presentation of current scientific highlights by outstanding researchers, the conference also focused on the promotion of young scientists.
This high-profile conference takes part in the frame of the German-French Diabetes Academy, established by the DZD and of INSERM/AVIESAN in 2014 with the support of the French Embassy and the BMBF.
Sessions and confirmed speakers:
Liver disease
Chair: Dominique Valla (Paris) and Michael Roden (Düsseldorf)
Philippe Mathurin, Lille | Stephan Herzig, Munich | Sabine Kahl, Düsseldorf | Catherine Postic, Paris
Genes and Environment
Chair: Nicolas Venteclef (Paris) and Martin Hrabé de Angelis (Munich)
Amélie Bonnefond, Lille | Jennifer Jäger, Nice | Johannes Beckers, Munich | Matthias Schulze, Potsdam
Beta Cell
Chair: Raphaël Scharfmann (Paris) and Michele Solimena (Dresden)
Bengt Belgardt, Düsseldorf | Elise Dalmas, Paris | Martin Neukam, Dresden | Philippe Ravassard, Paris
Brain and Metabolism
Chair: Serge Luquet (Paris) and Hans-Ulrich Häring (Tübingen)
Daniela Cota, Bordeaux | Martin Heni, Tübingen | Christophe Magnan, Paris | Johan Ruud, Cologne
Evening Lecture by Henning Beck-Nielsen, Copenhagen
Chair: Emmanuel van Obberghen, Nice
Partner organizations
The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) was founded in 2009 by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) as a national research association. More than 250 scientists from basic and clinical research are working closely in six research programs, thus enabling a timely implementation of the research results. The aim of all research work of the DZD is to develop individualized prevention strategies and effective, personalized therapies.
The members of the DZD are Helmholtz Zentrum München – German Research Center for Environmental Health, the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) in Düsseldorf, the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DifE) in Potsdam-Rehbrücke, the Paul Langerhans Institutes of the University of Dresden and the University of Tübingen as well as associated partners at the universities in Heidelberg, Cologne, Leipzig, Lübeck and Munich.
The French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health (AVIESAN) was founded in April 2009. The aim was to improve the performance of French research through improved coherence and the promotion of creativity and excellence. The most important stakeholders of life and health sciences are united in the alliance. The tasks of AVIESAN encompass the coordination of strategic analyses, the scientific program planning and the operative implementation of research in the areas of the life sciences and health, the acceleration of the knowledge transfer from basic research into clinical applications, the promotion of transdisciplinarity, ensuring the clinical, economic and social utilization of knowledge, in particular by promoting industrial partnerships, the definition of common positions in European research and international cooperation as well as harmonization and simplification of administrative procedures for laboratories, in order to give research teams greater leeway for creativity and excellence. The founding members of the alliance are: INSERM, Institut Pasteur, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Lille Regional University Hospital CHRU, the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), the National Institute of Research in Informatics and Automatics (INRIA) and the Institute for Research and Development (IRD).
Founded in 1964, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) is a public scientific and technological institute dedicated to research in biomedicine and in public health. As interface between research laboratories and the patient, INSERM implements multidisciplinary, cutting-edge research programs to investigate human diseases.
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Facts at a glance