
Helmholtz Munich Again Honored With the Total E-Quality Award

DZD partner Helmholtz Munich has been honored with the prestigious Total E-Quality award for the seventh time, covering the years 2023 to 2025. The research center has consistently demonstrated its commitment to promoting equal opportunities and diversity and fostering an inclusive work culture. This recognition highlights Helmholtz Munich's dedication in achieving gender equality, diversity, and improving the employee’s work-life balance.
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© TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland e. V.

Helmholtz Munich stands for diversity and a discrimination-free culture, where everyone is treated with equal respect and appreciation. Ensuring equal opportunities is a top priority. The award delivered by TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland e.V. celebrates organizations that show exceptional dedication in the area of equal opportunities and diversity - Helmholtz Munich is now honored with this award for the seventh time. Essential for receiving this recognition are strategies that implement equal opportunities. In this regard, Helmholtz Munich has established guidelines against discrimination, bullying, and sexual harassment to protect the dignity of its employees. The research center consistently combats discriminatory behavior and provides preventive measures and support, which is one of the reasons the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter) has been signed in 2022.

As part of the equal opportunities plan, Helmholtz Munich implements goals and measures at both the structural and personnel levels in accordance with the research-oriented equal opportunities standards of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). The plan includes ambitious target ratios for the representation of women at various leadership levels and salary scales, aiming for an optimal work-life balance for all employees, and increasing the visibility of women in science.

A specific step for example is the project "Diversity-Sensitive Recruitment Processes," officially launched in March 2023. The four-year project aims to introduce structured diversity management and increase the number of qualified female applicants for positions in the scientific field. Additionally, a gender-neutral approach has been implemented by revising job postings and career websites. Moreover, the -employer brand is being strengthened to appeal even more to diverse groups in order to encourage more individuals from underrepresented groups to apply for positions or to further develop internally.

Furthermore, targeted training and development programs are offered, enhancing the skills of employees, and supporting individual career paths. Additionally, mentoring, and coaching programs are available for women with high potential to help them advance to leadership positions.

Furthermore, Helmholtz Munich pursues various approaches in the field of gender research. New research groups and approaches have been established aiming for a better understanding of the biological differences between genders. The research covers topics such as gender-specific differences in diabetic cardiovascular diseases, gender-sensitive data collection in population-based studies in environmental health, and the integration of gender aspects in medical genomics. These research activities support the consideration of gender-specific differences in disease diagnosis and treatment, further advancing personalized medicine.

Helmholtz Munich will continue to advocate for equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion. The renewed recognition with the Total E-Quality award acknowledges the research center's commitment and emphasizes an aspiration towards an equitable and diverse work environment.


More information
Check out the full jury statement here.