
'Science' Has Declared GLP-1 Drugs the Breakthrough of the Year

The journal 'Science' has selected the development of glucagon-like peptide-1 (#GLP1) agonists as "Breakthrough of the Year 2023". Drugs based on glucagon-like peptide-1 (#GLP1) agonists represent a major breakthrough in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Scientists from the DZD and Helmholtz Munich also played a decisive role in the development of the new generation of drugs.

© Science

In Germany, more than half of all adult men and women are overweight. Around 19 million people are even pathologically overweight (obese). In the United States, around 70 percent of adults are affected by obesity. Obesity can cause type 2 diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, fatty liver disease and certain types of cancer.

The new generation of drugs can help to significantly reduce weight and thus also lower the risk of chronic subsequent diseases.
"Originally developed for diabetes, these GLP-1 receptor agonists induce significant weight loss with mostly manageable side effects. This year, clinical studies showed that they also reduce symptoms of heart failure and the risk of heart attacks and strokes, the most convincing evidence yet that the drugs have major benefits beyond weight loss itself," the journal concludes.

For these reasons, 'Science' has named GLP-1 drugs the breakthrough of the year.

Article in 'Science'

Further information on poly-agonists in the DZG-Magazine SYNERGIE (German only)