
Videos and Presentations of Patients’ Day Available

The 4th Diabetes Patients’ Day of the Diabetes Information Service of Helmholtz Zentrum München offered information regarding the diagnosis, treatment and the latest research findings on type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
[Translate to Englisch:] Zuhörer im Hörsaal

[Translate to Englisch:] In Fachvorträgen gab es die aktuellsten Informationen rund um Diabetes. Quelle: HMGU

Around 130 people – both diabetes patients and the interested public– informed themselves about the metabolic disease, not only by listening to the presentations of the six speakers  but also at the stands of the German Center for Diabetes Research, the Diabetic Association of Bavaria, the Institute of Nutritional Medicine, the Diabetes Information Service and the Diabetes Museum Munich.
In the video interview, the speakers summarize the core messages of their presentations. The transcripts of the presentations are available for reading here online (in German only).