1st International Conference on Engineering biomedical and metabolic breakthroughs

We are very pleased to present our international conference „Engineering biomedical and metabolic breakthroughs“ in the academic setting of Venice International University.

Presentations will be focusing on interdisciplinary strategies and next generation technologies enabling breakthroughs toward novel precision medicines. Discussions will take place in an interactive setting at a spectacularly inspiring location. No more than 100 innovators and opinion leaders have been selected to
participate, representing priority areas of the Pioneer Campus including next generation bio-engineering, computational biomedicine, stem cell and metabolism research. This by-invitation-only conference will also introduce the newly founded Helmholtz Pioneer Campus.

We are looking forward to an exciting conference and hope to welcome you in San Servolo!

Hans-Ulrich Häring

Martin Hrabe de Angelis

Vasilis Ntziachristos

Michael Roden
(on behalf of DZD)

Thomas Schwarz-Romond
(on behalf of HPC)

Matthias Tschöp


Facts at a Glance

July 3-6, 2018

Island of San Servolo,
Venice, Italy

by invitation only

Preliminary Agenda

Registration deadline:
April 17, 2018

Stephanie Montag
Phone: +49 (0)89 3187 2377