The focus is on the following topics - comprehensible, up-to-date and scientifically based:
Subtypes of diabetes: What does the new classification mean for prevention and treatment?
Prof. Andreas Fritsche from the DZD partner institute at the University Hospital in Tübingen reports on current research results and gives an overview of what these can mean for people with prediabetes or with already existing diabetes - in terms of disease development, treatment and prevention, including secondary diseases.
Type F diabetes: What to do when relatives develop diabetes?
Prof. Bernhard Kulzer from the Diabetes Zentrum Mergentheim, associated partner in the DZD, enters into a dialog with relatives of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
How does the diabetes disease of someone close to them influence everyday life in the family or partnership, what questions arise and where can conflicts arise? What strategies are there for dealing well with each other and the 'new family member diabetes' in different situations?
Program of the event in German language ( | Info-Ecke)
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