
DZD Annual Report Published: Interesting Facts in Magazine Style

The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) has published its Annual Report 2022. In the traditional magazine style, the 68 pages present current facts and figures about the DZD, news from the seven key research areas, and outstanding results of diabetes research.


The past year was characterized by special highlights. The cover page with the illustration of dual agonists already points it out: Dual and polyagonists are a promising new concept for the treatment of people with diabetes and obesity. These active ingredients combine the effects of the body's own intestinal hormones and intervene in the brain to regulate metabolic processes. Thus, a new generation of drugs has been developed with which body weight can be successfully reduced.

Another milestone are the clinical studies initiated by the DZD, which aim to make the treatment of prediabetes and diabetes subtypes more precise. This approach will enable us to address the individual needs of patients more specifically and offer them tailored therapies in the future. In the early detection of diabetes, testing and screening methods for type 1 and type 2 diabetes were further optimized.

The DZD is pleased that its long-standing commitment to promoting young scientists is bearing fruit and that excellent young scientists have been able to take the next steps in their careers, including towards professorships.

Furtehrmore, the DZD has established a Citizens' and Patients' Advisory Board. With the voices of people with diabetes and their relatives, translational research gains another valuable perspective.

Other topics include reports from the seven research focus areas (Academies), from DZD data management, which intensifies data integration by harmonizing clinical and research data, from the many internal and external cooperation and networking opportunities thanks to the research network, and from public relations. The information is rounded off by the figures and data from 2022.

The annual report is available for download online. (Mostly German)