
Phone Campaign of the German Center for Health Education: How to Protect against Type 2 Diabetes

How can I determine my diabetes risk? How can I prevent type 2 diabetes? What are the symptoms of a possible disease? These and other questions will be answered by various experts in a phone campaign on November 11, 12 and 13, 2019.

Source: Fotolia

Diabetes develops gradually, sometimes with no symptoms at all, sometimes with nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, frequent urination, itching or impaired vision. However, early detection is important in order to take targeted countermeasures and normalize blood sugar levels.

Even slightly elevated blood sugar levels can lead to dangerous changes in the body's small and large blood vessels and cause nerve damage. Then the risk of secondary diseases and complications such as amputations, kidney damage, impaired vision and sexual dysfunction increases considerably. The risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke is two to three times higher for people with diabetes than for people with a healthy metabolism.

Type 2 diabetes can affect anyone and everyone. In recent years, people over 65 were the main age group to develop type 2 diabetes. However, the latest surveys show that more and more young adults are also developing diabetes, and the trend is continuing. Experts assume that the number of people with diabetes in Germany could reach the 12 million mark in the next two decades. Living with the chronic disease at an advanced stage demands a high degree of discipline and requires accurate “carb counting” – keeping track of carbohydrate units and insulin dosage throughout the day – as well as refraining from some deep-rooted habits.

In a phone campaign, experts will be available to answer your questions about diabetes, the risk of developing the disease, and strategies to prevent diabetes. The German Center for Health Education (BZgA) is conducting the campaign in cooperation with diabetesDE – German Diabetes Aid.


Call in to ask your question!

Monday, Nov. 11th from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Phone 0800 – 0004 743 (free of charge)
Experts at the telephone:
Ms. Michaela Berger, Ms.Yvonne Häusler and Professor Joachim Spranger

Tuesday, Nov. 12th from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Phone 0800 – 0004 743 (free of charge)
Experts at the telephone: 
Ms. Michaela Berger, Dr. Sylvia Kemmet and Professor Andreas Pfeiffer

Wednesday, Nov.13th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Phone 030 – 201 677 – 33 and 030 – 201 677 - 44